Top 5 Tips to Save
Money in the Winter

July 22, 2016 Admin

Between high heating costs and the holidays, saving money in the winter time can sometimes feel like a lost cause. There are a lot of simple changes you can make to save money though; here are the top five tips that will help you survive the winter with your bank account still intact.

1. Close the gaps

One of the biggest causes of a high heating bill is all the heat escaping through drafty windows and doors. With windows a simple line of caulk will repair slight cracks. As it gets colder you can pick up a window insulation kit from a hardware store with detailed instruction to ensure no cold air will get in and no hot air will get out. For doors you can add a sweep, which can be purchased at a hardware store.

2. Lower the thermostat

During the day keeping a thermostat below 70 degrees will do wonders for you heating bill. For even more savings you can turn it down to 60 degrees or lower while no one is in the house. At night you can forgo the heater entirely and just put a small space heater in the bedrooms. They're cheaper to run and very effective in small spaces such as bedrooms.

3. Change the direction of your ceiling fan.

Running a ceiling fan during the winter can seem counter productive, but by running it clockwise actually helps maintain an even, warm temperature throughout a room. Heat rises and when the air in a room is still that air closer to the ceiling can be up to ten degrees warmer than the air towards the floor. By having the ceiling fan turning clockwise that warmer air will be pushed down and help lower heating costs.

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4. Take advantage of the sun

Use your blinds and curtains to your advantage with the sun. Whenever direct sunlight is on a window open the blinds and curtains to let that direct sunlight aid in warming the room. When there is no longer direct sunlight simply close the blinds and curtains to insulate the room and help maintain the warmth.

5. Lower your hot water heater

The ideal temperature for a hot water heater is the maximum temperature you would want for a shower, usually that's around 120 to 125 degrees Fahrenheit. By setting your hot water heater to that temperature it won't have to use as much energy to heat water which will lower energy bill.

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